Cambustion at AAAR 2023, Portland OR
We're exhibiting at the 41st Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) in Portland, OR from 2nd–6th October 2023. Visit us on our booth, where you can see our range of instrumentation for aerosol science, and we'll be doing live ambient air scans using the Scanning Aerodynamic Size Spectrometer (SASS).
SASS Scans of Ambient Air
Find out more about the new Mass and Mobility Aerosol Spectrometer (M²AS) which produces simultaneous mass and mobility size distributions over a previously impossibly wide size range, whilst automatically measuring, and correcting for, charge state.
M²AS Size and Mass Scans
You can also see the the AF10 aerosol flowmeter for measuring the flow of particle laden air and the CPMA Mk2, now with a greatly extended mass & size range.
You can also join us for our Hands-on Instrumentation Tutorial on Monday 2nd, 15:00–16:45 PDT
Cambustion co-authored papers include:
Automated Tandem Aerosol Classifier Experiments in session 6SC, Exhibit Hall, Wednesday 1 pm–1:45 pm PDT
Volume Measurement and Processing of Metal Nanoparticles in the Aerosol Phase in session 8IM, Room F150, Thursday 10:45 am–11 am PDT
Effect of the Uncertainty in Density of Polystyrene Latex (PSL) Spheres on the Calibration of Aerosol Instruments in poster session 9IM, Exhibit Hall E, Thursday 1 pm–3 pm PDT
Absorption Enhancement of Atmospheric Black Carbon Driven by Coating Morphology in poster session 9CC, Exhibit Hall E, Thursday 1 pm–3 pm PDT
We look forward to some very interesting discussions.