Risk assessment of particle and gaseous emissions from diesel and methanol–diesel advanced dual-fuel engines | Source | Biofuels | |
Effects of Two-Stage Injection on Combustion and Particulate Emissions of a Direct Injection Spark-Ignition Engine Fueled with Methanol–Gasoline Blends Open Access | Source | Energies | |
Effects of EGR Rate and Temperature on Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of Compression Ignition Engines Fueled with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Open Access | Source | ACS Omega | |
Protocol for generating realistic submicron mono-dispersed mineral dust particles in simulation chambers and laboratory experiments Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Particle emissions study from tire sample with nano-silver tracer from different steps of its life cycle. A new approach to trace emissions of tire microparticles Open Access | Source | Science of the Total Environment | |
Emission and Formation of Aircraft Engine Oil Ultrafine Particles Open Access | Source | ACS ES&T Air | |
Measurement report: size-resolved particle effective density measured by the AAC-SMPS and implications for chemical composition Open Access | Source | EGUsphere | |
Characterization of particles generated by non-catalytic methane pyrolysis in a tubular flow reactor Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Gaseous and particulate matter (PM) emissions from a turboshaft-engine using different blends of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Evaluation of aerosol chemical speciation monitor response to different mixtures of organic and inorganic aerosols Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Exploring the benefits of hydrogen-water injection technology in internal combustion engines: A rigorous experimental study Open Access | Source | International Journal of Engine Research | |
Simulated contrail-processed aviation soot aerosols are poor ice-nucleating particles at cirrus temperatures Open Access | Source | European Geosciences Union | |
Evaluation of Current and Future Aviation Fuels at High-Pressure RQL-Type Combustor Conditions | Source | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power | |
Effects of dual injection operations on combustion performances and particulate matter emissions in a spark ignition engine fuelled with second-generation biogasoline Open Access | Source | International Journal of Engine Research | |
Impact of Mid-to-Low-Ash, Low-Viscosity Lubricants on Aftertreatment Systems after 210,000-Kilometer Real-World Road Endurance Trials Open Access | Source | Lubricants | |
Novel method for the continuous mass concentration measurement of ultrafine particles (PM0.1) with a water-based condensation particle counter (CPC) | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Characterizing and Predicting nvPM Size Distributions for Aviation Emission Inventories and Environmental Impact Open Access | Source | Environmental Science and Technology | |
Real-Time Identification of Aerosol-Phase Carboxylic Acid Production Using Extractive Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Open Access | Source | Environmental Science and Technology | |
Secondary Organic Aerosol Generated from Biomass Burning Emitted Phenolic Compounds: Oxidative Potential, Reactive Oxygen Species, and Cytotoxicity Open Access | Source | Environmental Science and Technology | |
Study on the Effect of Two-Stage Injection Strategy for Coal-to-Liquid/Gasoline Reactivity-Controlled Compression Ignition Combustion Mode Open Access | Source | ACS Omega | |
Rapid assessment of jet engine-like soot from combustion of conventional and sustainable aviation fuels using flame spray pyrolysis | Source | Journal of Aerosol Science | |
Critical Size of Silver Iodide Containing Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding Particles Open Access | Source | Geophysical Research Letters | |
Influence of Lowering Soot-Water Contact Angle on Ice Nucleation of Ozone-Aged Soot Open Access | Source | Geophysical Research Letters | |
Evaluation of methods for characterizing the fine particulate matter emissions from aircraft and other diffusion flame combustion aerosol sources Open Access | Source | Journal of Aerosol Science | |
Jet aircraft lubrication oil droplets as contrail ice-forming particles Open Access | Source | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | |
Insights into secondary organic aerosol formation from the day- and nighttime oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and furans in an oxidation flow reactor | Source | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | |
Size-resolved effective density of ambient aerosols measured by an AAC–SMPS tandem system in Beijing | Source | Atmospheric Environment | |
Emissions of ultrafine particles from civil aircraft: dependence upon aircraft type and passenger load Open Access | Source | npj Climate and Atmospheric Science | |
A comparison of carbon monoxide yields and particle formation at various global equivalence ratios in vitiated and under-ventilated conditions Open Access | Source | Fire Safety Journal | |
Overview of methods to characterize the mass, size, and morphology of soot Open Access | Source | Journal of Aerosol Science | |
Tandem aerodynamic aerosol classifier – differential mobility analyzer as a single charged aerosol source for diameters up to one micrometer | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Size and light absorption of miniature-inverted-soot-generator particles during operation with various fuel mixtures | Source | Journal of Aerosol Science | |
Insights into Filtration Performance of ISO 16890 and ISO 29463 Air Filter Media Using DEHS Particles Classified by Aerodynamic Diameter Open Access | Source | FILTECH 2023, Cologne | |
Dynamic individual-cylinder analysis of a Gasoline Direct Injection engine emissions for cold crank-start at elevated cranking speed conditions of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle | Source | Control Engineering Practice | |
A novel inactivated virus system (InViS) for a fast and inexpensive assessment of viral disintegration Open Access | Source | Scientific Reports | |
Size, Shape, and Phase of Nanoscale Uric Acid Particles Open Access | Source | ACS Omega | |
Aircraft-engine particulate matter emissions from conventional and sustainable aviation fuel combustion: comparison of measurement techniques for mass, number, and size Open Access | Source | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | |
Characterization of tandem aerosol classifiers for selecting particles: implication for eliminating the multiple charging effect | Source | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | |
Evaluation of Various Face Covering Filter Materials Using Particles Classified by Aerodynamic Diameter up to 5 Micrometres Open Access | Source | FILTECH 2022, Cologne | |
Bimodal distribution of size-resolved particle effective density: results from a short campaign in a rural environment over the North China Plain Open Access | Source | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | |
A comparative study on effective density, shape factor, and volatile mixing of non-spherical particles using tandem aerodynamic diameter, mobility diameter, and mass measurements | Source | Journal of Aerosol Science | |
Assessment of real-time bioaerosol particle counters using reference chamber experiments Open Access | Source | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | |
Transient and continuous effects of indoor human movement on nanoparticle concentrations in a sitting person's breathing zone | Source | Science of The Total Environment | |
Filtration of viral aerosols via a hybrid carbon nanotube active filter | Source | Carbon | |
Crumpled few-layer graphene: Connection between morphology and optical properties | Source | Carbon | |
Measurement of chemically resolved volume equivalent diameter and effective density of particles by AAC-SPAMS Open Access | Source | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | |
Effects of biomass burning and photochemical oxidation on the black carbon mixing state and light absorption in summer season Open Access | Source | Atmospheric Environment | |
Size-resolved mixing state and optical properties of black carbon at an urban site in Beijing | Source | Science of The Total Environment | |
Closure between particulate matter concentrations measured ex situ by thermal–optical analysis and in situ by the CPMA–electrometer reference mass system Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Identification and characterization of design fires and particle emissions to be used in performance-based fire design of nuclear facilities Open Access | Source | Fire and Materials | |
Determining the cutoff diameter and counting efficiency of optical particle counters with an aerodynamic aerosol classifier and an inkjet aerosol generator Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Mixing characteristics of refractory black carbon aerosols at an urban site in Beijing Open Access | Source | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | |
Aerodynamic size separation of glass fiber aerosols | Source | Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene | |
Characteristics of Transient NOx Emissions of HEV under Real Road Driving | Source | WCX Sae World Congress | |
Calibration of optical particle counters with an aerodynamic aerosol classifier Open Access | Source | Journal of Aerosol Science | |
Insight into the Role of Water-Soluble Organic Solvents for the Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activation of Cholesterol | Source | ACS Earth and Space Chemistry | |
Facility for calibration of optical and condensation particle counters based on a turbulent aerosol mixing tube and a reference optical particle counter Open Access | Source | Review of Scientific Instruments | |
Repeatability and intermediate precision of a mass concentration calibration system Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Evaluation of nanosilica emission in polydimethylsiloxane composite during incineration | Source | Journal of Hazardous Materials | |
Cycle-to-Cycle NO and NOx Emissions from a HSDI Diesel Engine | Source | ASME 2018 IC Engine Division Fall Conference | |
Evacuation characteristics of released airborne TiO2 nanomaterial particles under different ventilation rates in a confined environment | Source | Journal of Environmental Management | |
Light Absorption Enhancement of Black Carbon Aerosol Constrained by Particle Morphology | Source | Environmental Science & Technology | |
A New Methodology for Measuring Filtration Efficiency as a Function of Particle Aerodynamic Diameter Using a Monodisperse Aerosol Source Open Access | Source | FILTECH 2018, Cologne | |
A novel inversion method to determine the mass distribution of non-refractory coatings on refractory black carbon using a centrifugal particle mass analyzer and single particle soot photometer Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Aerosol Characterization and Particle Scrubbing Efficiency of Underwater Operations during Laser Cutting of Steel Components for Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities Open Access | Source | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | |
Study of implementation of hybrid EGR during transient operations on diesel engine to reduce NOx emissions with fast emission measurement system Open Access | Source | European Automotive Engineering Conference 2017 | |
Understanding Hydrocarbon Emissions in Heavy Duty Diesel Engines Combining Experimental and Computational Methods | Source | SAE International Journal of Engines | |
TWC-SCR Aftertreatment System Evaluation for a Lean Burn Gasoline Engine Operating in HCCI, SACI, and SI Combustion Modes | Source | ASME 2016 IC Engine Division Fall Conference | |
Experimental testing and mathematical modelling of diesel particle collection in flow-through monoliths | Source | International Journal of Engine Research | |
Experimental Investigation of Cyclic Variability on Combustion and Emissions of a High-Speed SI Engine | Source | SAE WCX 2015 | |
Cycle-by-Cycle Air-to-Fuel Ratio Calculation During Transient Engine Operation Using Fast Response CO and CO2 Sensors | Source | ASME IC Engine Division Fall Conference | |
The CPMA-Electrometer System—A Suspended Particle Mass Concentration Standard Open Access | Source | Aerosol Science and Technology | |
Investigation on Transient Emissions of a Turbocharged Diesel Engine Fuelled by HVO Blends | Source | SAE Journal of Engines | |
Study of Diesel Particulate Bridging Behaviour with SEM Open Access | Source | ETH Nanoparticles Conference | |
Study on first-cycle combustion and emissions during cold start in a TSDI gasoline engine Open Access | Source | Fuel Volume 103 | |
Experimental Studies of Diesel Particle Filtration Open Access | Source | Cambridge University Engineering Department PhD thesis | |
Hydraulic Hybrid Powertrain-In-the-Loop Integration for Analyzing Real-World Fuel Economy and Emissions Improvements | Source | SAE International | |
Backpressure Characteristics of a DPF loaded with a Soot Generator and a Diesel Engine under Different Operating Cycles | Source | ETH Nanoparticles Conference | |
A New Instrument for Diesel Particulate Filter Functional Tests in Development and Quality Control Applications Open Access | Source | https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2010-01-0809/ | |
Cycle-by-Cycle Gasoline Engine Cold Start Measurement of Residual Gas and AFR Using a Fast Response CO&CO 2 Analyzer | Source | SAE International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants | |
Real Time NO Emissions Measurement during Cold Start in LPG SI Engine Open Access | Source | Energy Conversion and Management 2007 | |
Mass Integration of Fast-Response NO Measurements from a Two-Stroke Large-Bore Natural Gas Engine | Source | International Journal of Engine Research | |